Welcome to Buy The Square Foot
We are a professional home measurement company. We measure the square footage of your house (or listing) so you can have peace of mind when listing, marketing your sale, or paying for the square footage you are buying or leasing.
"100 square feet made a $25,000 difference in my listing!"
Measuring Square Footage |
Creating an Accurate Floor Plan |
We measure houses according to the ANSI standards and guidelines and provide up-to-date square footage size and floor plans for your listings! Never rely on outdated, inaccurate sources again. Never count on interior room dimensions only!
Turn Around TimeWe guarantee a quick turn around time upon measuring a house (or building) and providing you with the measurements and square footage documents.
We provide you with an accurate, current measurement and square footage total of your house or listing. If you are selling or buying, those square feet can make a big difference in pricing and searching for listings. If you are gathering your square footage data from Tax Records, chances are it's not entirely accurate!
Basic and DetailedOur basic measurement is a floorplan outline of the heated and non-heated space and overall square footage with a basic sketch. Our detailed measurement is a room by room detailed layout with square footage of each detailed space and includes a floorplan. Please see Pricing for examples.